Say my name

Min is the standard - But this is too short. I want other names.
Ming is what they call me (hey! but it’s actually cool because ming means light in Chinese)
Minnie - Nadie and my friends sometimes call me like that.
Mindy is actually a nice name and it suits me but I don’t want to be Mindy because Mindy Seu already affected me a lot
Moon is my hinge profile name,
Aria is my workplace name. I named myself after my friend’s cat.
I used to be Lilith because I didn’t believed in God, But I enjoyed to be Eve Because حواء sounds like my name which was Hawhy(化怡).
I felt like I can be anything, but at the same time I’m nothing.

I don’t know. What would be my new first name? I used to be Why. But that name is never be serious in America. Think about them asking my name and I just be like whispering ‘why’. Neverending ουροβóρος Game. I need a new name, cause name would be never translated. My Korean name’s meaning is ‘Upright Jade stone in the water’. Wait, I can actually be Jade! And so on..